Thursday, September 24, 2009

My theory on how to save humanity - This is Scourge's Theory and the discussion that ensued.

Feel free to debate if you want. In case you havent realized, the human race is in danger. In this note I will present my theory, be it extreme, on how we may save our selves and our planet. The first and foremost threat to humanity is ourselves. We are soley to blame for our war and poverty. The first thing that must be done is the elimination of all weapons throughout the world. This effectively means no militaries in the world. At all. And with the elimination of weapons we bring ourselves closer to world peace. The next step is to establish a system where there is free trade and goods, therefore money will be obsolete and not be used. Think about it, a world where everything you need is provided, the ecquipment is provide to the workers by the took makers, the house is built, and a family moves in. If there is an abundance of all for everyone, crime is reduced to visually nothing, because everyone has what they want and need. Again, this is just stating what would have to happen, i doubt that it would. Lastly, how to save our planet. Sadly, solar panels and turning off the lights when not in use only prolongs our planets demise due to an escalating climate. No. The only way to save the earth is to leave it. If humans were to take everything we need and leave for about ten thousand years, earth would repair itself,and we may return with more knowledge and a second chance at life. This is my theory which has been presented to you. However due to society and flaws in the human way of thinking, we must correct our selves before we can correct our future.


Me: Hmmmmmmmmm, interesting concept but the Alter inside of me has a different approach and different method of saving. For one, the elimination of all weapons is a good idea because of the fact that it would cause a domino effect of positivity. In contrast though, eventually man will supersede it's ability to cope with peace. The human mind is a clay medium to be shaped and molded with the perceptual notions that we develop to generate our sense of intelligence which is not necessarily true, we just bring forth the detriments in our lives so that we may understand them better. This leads to the development of weapons because our cognitions will eventually lead to dissidence of these perceptual connotations on the actual word of "peace." Secondly, what you are describing begins to become reminiscent of a bartering system. Which I do agree has it's benefits, but in fact with bartering there has to be a specific value for items. This is only due to the inferiority complex within humans to distance themselves from a periodic system of lowering themselves. This is seen, even in non-established communities, where the leader of the established seeks to be recognized as a leader. It's bound to happen because Human's as a relative seek guidance because we have been ordained over time as a cognitive habit in birth. It's sort of like a genetic trait. Stating that crime would dramatically increase is another fallacy that if obtained would drastically change the order of society. In a perfect world, humans can establish a monetary amount of sensible behavior as to not initiate crimes. (Genocide, Larsony, Fabrication, etc.) but since our world is developed kind of like a shadow of a perfect world ( Philospophy - Plato) humans must exist with a detriment inside of their mind. As far as the crime goes, I feel that it should an established thing for crime to exist simply for the advancement and evolution of man into a more generalized genetic specie. Crime exists simply because Humans crave it's existence. It is used a palette for humans to paint upon and develop so that they can visualize a more aesthetically pleasing version of themselves. Finally on the last issue, I agree entirely. Humans must distance themselves from the world they are destroying to visualize what is actually happening. It's like two people arguing, these two individuals argue because they cannot see past their own individualistic concepts, but have them look in from a spectator's point of view and you begin to understand what the other person is saying from an objective point of view rather than a subjective notion inside one's own mind. Remove humans from the problems and humans crave to solve it, because humans are grounded to this planet their visualization technique is limited to a first person scale instead of an third-person omniscient like it should be. All in all, a very productive note and I agree.

Scourge: What my theory proposes is not bartering but everything free for people to have. The earth doesnt charge money for its resources therefore it is only logical to continue the system of mutual sharing rather than taking. Also crime would decrease due to people being correctly guided and provided for

Gamal (Friend of Scourge): well as i do agree with both of you..... the only way to save humanity is to do immediately what they have been "trying" to do forever... frankly i dont think people in power care at all anymore and i hope they all get skin cancer and die. Humanity hangs on a thin line that has constantly been treaded back and over again and nobody corrects the problem. The humankind is a key essential to its own destruction indeed, the mentality is that of dominance, therefore peace can never be absolute, even under perfect conditions because in every generation there will be a power hungry rebel desperate to demonize the current serenity and forcibly try to corrupt it, therefore requiring the use of some type of weapon so the only true way to save humanity: Change the mentality of the population because once your mind is set to be good, you WILL be good. another way would simply be just to find the dominance genome in our DNA and take it out, therefore elimination war, crime, and anything else that is anything else.

jolly good then, so nice we can concur on the same subject. Old people need to die and we need to take charge because in this current worlds decrepid state how can we continue to elect officials to power that are indirectly killing us? I guess thats just how things work these days but that will change in 4 years i guarantee it.

Me: nstead of talking about shafts like we normally do? Lol. I do enjoy the intellectual stimulation I am receiving though. I of course see your points Gamal and Alex and I agree with Gamal that maybe if we take out the dominance genome in our cellular structure that we can supersede this point in which War, Crime, etc. exists. Though, 10% of the DNA is not entirely decrypted yet, so we do not if it is entirely up to the Dominance Genome that this occurs. Just like we do not know if the Y chromosomes in male's are truly detrimental to our health and cause increased periods of aggravation and anger. We simply do not know the extent to which these problems lie.

This is the end.

1 comment:

Air Born said...

Okie, so i tried to read and understand this...didnt really happen. lol. But i talked to Alter and what scourge says doesnt really make sense to me. I think its kinda impossible for all that to happen. even if you take out all weapons, crimes can still be committed. thats the way humans are, its out nature. Not everyone is a good person. Unless you brainwash people, they wont always get along. ya cant just up and like everyone.