Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Morality play

Entitled Everysutdent this is the begging of a morality play i'm writing for class (i'm fourteen, this is so not what i had i mind when i woke up and went to school)

Parent: Everystudent, GRADUATION is coming soon, what have
Have you been doing to accomplish this, I mean your grandfather
Was a Harvard graduate, with a Ph.d in Law, but you seem to put
Graduation to the side as if it doesn’t bother you.
Everystudent: But PARENT how can I think of GRADUATION at such
A time in my life, there are so much other things to accomplish,
JOB and FRIENDS are priorities to, and GRADUATION can wait. If I
Only talk to PRINCIPAL to give me more time.
Parent: THERE IS NO SUCH THING!!!!! You have to make time
For Graduation this should be your top priority, live not for the present
But also for the future, Everystudent, this is a matter of your future, you
Cannot simply put it away like a skeleton in your closet, this is now.
Everystudent: But you fail to comprehend the severity of what this is
Doing to FRIENDS right now, I bet she is going crazy wondering why I’m
Spending so much time with ACADEMICS and BEHAVIOR and not with
Parent: Fine then, Go Everystudent, go and play in the amenities of life, but
When GRADUATION comes to seek you out, do not run, because you will
have brought this upon yourself. Everyman: Fine I will seek out PRINCIPAL and they will know what to do and can help me for the time when GRADUATION comes. Principal: Hello Everystudent, what brings you to me? Everystudent: Hello Principal, I have a question. Can you help
Me to

1 comment:

Krystal said...

I am Krystal Amberstar. I no oyu no Lachlann. I am one of his buds. I just started blogging and I would love some help!

~Krystal Amberstar