Saturday, July 25, 2009

Two poems.

This is one poem. Comment Please. Another one to be posted soon.

Two Weeks -

Two weeks left unmarked on my calender.
I stand watching as the clock ticks you outta of my life.
The sands gave me a chance to save this memory from falling apart.
But in my hands a dream crumbled that day,
A dream that I could never replace.

In two weeks you'll be gone, blown like a whisper in the wind.
A reality I refuse to face, a reality that will crash down on me.
My arms held you seven weeks ago, never knowing what my heart would call for.
Back then it was friendly and now it remains a heartache to see you leave everyday.
Can I bear to watch you go? Years ticked away and I was unknowing of how I felt.
But can years tick away again without a voice calling out to you?

Silenced feelings sleep beneath a hidden gate.
Unbeknownst to you I watched from afar until like a flare you knew how I felt.
A friend I remained because from intelligence's bane, I could not show you affection.
And now I stand wallowing because you still remain a close friend.
Remaining in the dark though, I will still keep a smile on my face
To know that this has been a lesson learned for me.

Two weeks left unmarked on my calender
But for what it's worth I can say that we've had a good run.
The fun has been both painful and pleasurable
And as I sit here reminiscing on fond memories
I can say that creepy as it may be
We will always remember these days as they are and what they could have been.

Two weeks blanketed by mystery
And that will make all the difference.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Here's an imagery post again.

I have another post coming up with this poem that I just wrote, but I opted to show some photography to prove to girl that her pictures are much better than mine. Here they are comment and then go to girl's blog and comment.

Sound in Nature

More Pics to prove to Girl that she's better in photography coming soon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Well this would be a poem/song pertaining to a band I'm trying to start with Scourge called Renegade. It's a song about the world and us living as parts of the outside. Outcasts of an already ignorant society and the people that call themselves the "Renegades." Here it is Enjoy and Comment.


In that dark abyss I stand
Searching for acceptance in an empty world
Who's calling out to me from the shadows?
No - one knows, it's just the wind whispering in a world burning to the ground.

So let's search for our place in the world
Nomads against the blank palette of society
Changing and living outside the walls of prosperity
Here we stand looking at the flames
The flames of change, The flames of the Renegade.

Who are they to put judgment down upon us
Blank faces institutionalized to the drum of everyday life.
Captivation ceases to grasp upon ignorance
But then again it's never been on the outside in the first place.

Searching for a place to call my own,
A sanctuary for those of us living on the outside, facing away from the inside.
It's burning the walls down, letting the beast in.
Captured silence seeks a place to be heard
Growling at the gates to let us be.
To find something we've wanted all along, somewhere we belong.

It hurts having no place to go
And we'll wander without even having the warmth there for us.
And it seems we'll remain without the know of what acceptance us or where it goes.
But here I'll stand on the ashes of destruction to rebuild what broken down.
We're still fighting, still moving with the flames of change,
The flames of wandering, The flames of the Renegade.

That's it I'm going to work around with it, but I guess that's all I have right now to show for it. I guess it was spurred from some mixed emotions I had been feeling over the past couple of days. Also, it was spurred to to Kat's downplay of her excellent writing capability which far surpasses mine. Anyways when she's done with her song/poem whatever. You can check which one is better. Please Comment, Next Installment soon. Working on a poem called "Her".

~Alter Cosmos~

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Third Installment: This time it's a poem. HAHAHAHAHA TAKE THAT STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!

Well in this week's episode, I'm breaking away from the story lines and divulging into poetry to express emotional standpoints and views that have re-surfaced in the past couple of days. Here's the poem, Enjoy and COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Past and Present

Looking back all I can see
Are the memories of you and of me
We were so different back then
Maybe more Naive or less prepared for the real world back then
I thought I could supplement that reality for this one we had made together
But I was wrong.

It was never meant to be something that would last
Only a flare in the dark abyss I called life.
But for that moment it remained a silver lining amongst the clouds
You were that one spark that took away my pain and anguish.
There were already other wheels set in motion that would tear us apart in the end
In reality, we were never together in the first place.

Then came the dawn of the darkness pressuring us apart.
The reality was it was only several months
But looking at it now, it felt like years had struck through the rung in my soul.
I guess as time passed emotions died down also,
The flames of passion back then became cinders and ash between the forgotten.
We both went back to our lives, remaining distant ghosts among a sea of drama.

Now time has reverted back to normal and seemingly remains the way before we met.
I've gone back to living life under the remains of the shadow I once was.
Drama seems beset in your life, flamed under constant confusion and drama.
We've drifted apart slowly, the memories sifting under the sands of time,
But I guess I've remained thinking about you.
Not in the same way anymore, but still thinking of what happened to cause the rift.

We've repossessed every fiber of our beings to drag apart those old feelings.
They remain buried under the rubble of time, but still they might stay somewhere.
But seeing as how something else has become a parasite in my brain.
And how an Ant is crawling in your path, it shall remain forever changed.
Here and now, we shall stand as friends looking back at what was
And what shall probably never be again.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Next Installment: A Story Again ( Gosh I'm just full of these recently)

This is another story that is just pulsating out of my mind. Enjoy and Comment!!!!!

starrt hinter dem Glas

As the sun set upon the small house, I could see her bathed in twilight. Her porcelain skin was only sparked by the amber hair that flowed flawlessly down to her shoulders. I couldn't stop staring, but then again what foolish mortal I was. Looking toward false hopes to cope with the fact that she would remain an absent deeply rooted in a life I would never obtain. I kept watching her through her through this glass I had made myself, a figment of my imagination of course because I knew she would never look at me the same way I looked at her. I turned away with a smile on my face knowing that she would be happy with someone else and that she liked someone else. I would always be the close friend that would never be anything more. I chuckled at the thought of me ever being able to pull her as I was. The limp muscles in my body, the inability to carry my own weight, the unappealing physical attributes. I was a walking deterrent standing at the crossroads of friend and enemy. I'm awkward, disdainful, strange, weak; I thought to myself. I looked back and saw her staring right back through the glass straight at me. I froze in my place feeling every nerve hold it's breath in my body. The sweat dripped out of my pores in slow motion as I wondered if she saw me looking at her through the glass. Does she know how I feel about her now? I waited silently feeling my heart pump rapidly and the saliva curving down my gullet as she neared closer to me. Her beauty radiated so brightly I could feel the pressure turning my bones into gelatin and my emotions into an amalgamation of fireworks that pressured me into running up to her and kissing her on her crimson lips, but I held my breath and just waited for her to come up to me. Her steps seemed to fly in slow motion, just ticking away at the clock keeping me in the dark abyss waiting for some sort of sign to know if she even had the same type of emotion for me. She passes by me slowly and I can feel the hairs on my arm begin to stand on the ends, charged with a passionate electricity that hit deep within my soul. She turned around and looked at with me with her amber eyes that seared into my flesh heating my heart up with hope and disdain. Her arms surround my body and my arms slip around her waist in an embrace neither passionate, nor heart-warming. It was just friendly and warm like her feelings for a friend, or a friend that was closer than many tried to become. She slips around the corner and I can feel my lips parting to call her name..............but I stop in the middle of my sentence and think for a minute. I'll wait for her, I'm not going anywhere and she's not going to stop me from being that guy. The boy..............the friend...........the infatuated guy starring through his imaginary glass waiting for the right moment and the right time in life to ask her that single question.

Good Story Huh? I don't know where it came from lol. I think It's adequate not great, it could have been a lot better; but it was the best I could come up with lol. Comment PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!