Saturday, July 11, 2009

Third Installment: This time it's a poem. HAHAHAHAHA TAKE THAT STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!

Well in this week's episode, I'm breaking away from the story lines and divulging into poetry to express emotional standpoints and views that have re-surfaced in the past couple of days. Here's the poem, Enjoy and COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Past and Present

Looking back all I can see
Are the memories of you and of me
We were so different back then
Maybe more Naive or less prepared for the real world back then
I thought I could supplement that reality for this one we had made together
But I was wrong.

It was never meant to be something that would last
Only a flare in the dark abyss I called life.
But for that moment it remained a silver lining amongst the clouds
You were that one spark that took away my pain and anguish.
There were already other wheels set in motion that would tear us apart in the end
In reality, we were never together in the first place.

Then came the dawn of the darkness pressuring us apart.
The reality was it was only several months
But looking at it now, it felt like years had struck through the rung in my soul.
I guess as time passed emotions died down also,
The flames of passion back then became cinders and ash between the forgotten.
We both went back to our lives, remaining distant ghosts among a sea of drama.

Now time has reverted back to normal and seemingly remains the way before we met.
I've gone back to living life under the remains of the shadow I once was.
Drama seems beset in your life, flamed under constant confusion and drama.
We've drifted apart slowly, the memories sifting under the sands of time,
But I guess I've remained thinking about you.
Not in the same way anymore, but still thinking of what happened to cause the rift.

We've repossessed every fiber of our beings to drag apart those old feelings.
They remain buried under the rubble of time, but still they might stay somewhere.
But seeing as how something else has become a parasite in my brain.
And how an Ant is crawling in your path, it shall remain forever changed.
Here and now, we shall stand as friends looking back at what was
And what shall probably never be again.



Karly said...

Lol, an ant is right.......
some reason that poem made me sad....... idk y. It was really good alter! Once again i revel at the feet of your all mighty writing ability!

katie said...

tht was amazing...... i say again this is better than i can write. i bow down to ur amazing writing capability.

Skye said...

Brilliant poem!!! You're amazing at writing!!! Seriously, not joking.

Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly

Air Born said...

That was great Alter. i luved it. Once again, ur an awesome writer.


Skye said...

I almost forgot! I love the new look for your blog and you really seem to like german now huh? LOL :)

Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly

Anonymous said...

nice man

check out my post, i am in way over my head now a days
