Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Well this would be a poem/song pertaining to a band I'm trying to start with Scourge called Renegade. It's a song about the world and us living as parts of the outside. Outcasts of an already ignorant society and the people that call themselves the "Renegades." Here it is Enjoy and Comment.


In that dark abyss I stand
Searching for acceptance in an empty world
Who's calling out to me from the shadows?
No - one knows, it's just the wind whispering in a world burning to the ground.

So let's search for our place in the world
Nomads against the blank palette of society
Changing and living outside the walls of prosperity
Here we stand looking at the flames
The flames of change, The flames of the Renegade.

Who are they to put judgment down upon us
Blank faces institutionalized to the drum of everyday life.
Captivation ceases to grasp upon ignorance
But then again it's never been on the outside in the first place.

Searching for a place to call my own,
A sanctuary for those of us living on the outside, facing away from the inside.
It's burning the walls down, letting the beast in.
Captured silence seeks a place to be heard
Growling at the gates to let us be.
To find something we've wanted all along, somewhere we belong.

It hurts having no place to go
And we'll wander without even having the warmth there for us.
And it seems we'll remain without the know of what acceptance us or where it goes.
But here I'll stand on the ashes of destruction to rebuild what broken down.
We're still fighting, still moving with the flames of change,
The flames of wandering, The flames of the Renegade.

That's it I'm going to work around with it, but I guess that's all I have right now to show for it. I guess it was spurred from some mixed emotions I had been feeling over the past couple of days. Also, it was spurred to to Kat's downplay of her excellent writing capability which far surpasses mine. Anyways when she's done with her song/poem whatever. You can check which one is better. Please Comment, Next Installment soon. Working on a poem called "Her".

~Alter Cosmos~

1 comment:

Skye said...

WOW!!! That's amazing!!! You should definitely use that as a song in your band with Scourge!!!

Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly

P.S. I wish I could write like you!!! I'm soooooo jealous LOL!